About Us

GoInstaCare is where tech meets caregiving. Founded by Amit Shrivastava & Poonam Gupta, GoInstaCare is a tech-based, caregiving marketplace that connects the growing community of care seekers with care providers near you, Instantly.

A Few Facts...

It is currently very difficult and expensive to find and manage quality care for care seekers – seniors, kids, special needs persons, pets and even homes while working a full-time job or living in a different city. GoInstaCare is the solution to this problem and here’s how. By leveraging modern tech to connect care seekers directly with well-trained care providers across the country, GoInstaCare makes it possible for care seekers to receive the best quality care they need, anywhere, anytime and all at a very affordable rate.

Our Vision

To be the no. 1 caregiving marketplace in the United States, connecting care seekers directly with professional care providers at a very affordable rate.

    Our Mission

    At GoInstaCare, our mission is to provide RELIABLE, AFFORDABLE and INSTANT care, anytime, anywhere to care seekers across the United States.

      Meet the Founders


      Amit was born and brought up in India alongside his 5 other siblings. Although not from an affluent background, his parents ensured that he and his siblings got a good education. While growing up, one of the greatest things he learnt from his parents was caring for others. 30 years later, Amit still remembers how his mom, unable to hire professional care due to financial constraint, had to do all the heavy lifting while caring for his aged grandmother in her last years. This experience fueled in him a passion to develop a system that would lessen the hardship on families going through similar situation - unable to afford much needed professional care for their loved ones. So, drawing from his wealth of knowledge and experience in engineering and business strategy, Amit set up GoInstaCare Inc to leverage modern tech and bring AFFORDABLE and INSTANT care to families, by connecting them directly with professional care providers around the United States. With GoInstaCare, Amit is finally fulfilling his lifelong dream of revolutionizing the care giving marketplace by providing excellent yet affordable care to clients, peace of mind to family members and a healthy growth environment for care providers.

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      Poonam knew from early on in life that she wanted to be a nurse. As a growing child, she had a very close bond with her granny who taught her a lot about life. In the final stages of granny's life, the family had to bring in professional help to assist and the way the care providers took care of her grandmother was a turning point in her life, showing her at an early age the importance of professional care. Today, with a Bachelor degree in Nursing and several years of practical nursing experience, Poonam is fulfilling her dream of providing professional care at an affordable rate via GoInstaCare. Alongside Amit, they are removing the cost barrier that prevent care seekers from accessing the quality of care they need by connecting them directly with professional care providers. Poonam hopes to help as many families as possible to receive and enjoy the quality of care she someday hopes to receive.

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      Meet the Team



      Lance A. Slatton is a dedicated Writer, Author, Influencer, and seasoned Healthcare professional with a rich background spanning over 18 years in the healthcare industry. As a beacon of knowledge and support in the realm of senior care, Lance’s journey is not just a career but a calling to make a meaningful difference in the lives of families, caregivers, and their loved ones as they navigate the complexities of long-term care. Lance’s passion for helping others was the guiding light that led him to become a Senior Case Manager at Enriched Life Home Care Services, where he has been instrumental in providing care and support to those in need. His dedication to the field extends beyond his day job, as Lance has taken his commitment to a global audience through his award-winning podcast and YouTube channel, All Home Care Matters, as well as co-hosting The Caregivers Journal with Christina and Cindy Hardin-Weiss and Conscious Caregiving with L&L alongside Lori La Bey.

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